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Dr. Boris Jan SchiemzikAttorney
Certified specialist for business and corporate law

Expertise and Practice

Dr. Boris Schiemzik heads the commercial and corporate law practice at the Hamburg office.  As a certified specialist in this area, he represents companies of all legal forms in disputes in state courts and before arbitration tribunals. He advises managing directors, CEOs, supervisory board members, and shareholders on the avoidance of liability and offensive strategies. Another focus of his practice is on tax-optimized structures in corporate law (e.g., group integration, participation agreements, shareholder agreements, and on commercial and distribution law advice). His client base includes companies active both nationally and internationally, distribution agents, and sales representatives.

Boris is the Chairman of the German Association of Certified Commercial and Corporate Law Specialists (Deutsche Vereinigung der Fachanwälte für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht e.V.) headquartered in Hamburg.

Dr. Boris Jan Schiemzik is a sought-after expert. He is known to a broad public from interviews and due to his professional contributions in media such as Die Welt, brand eins, BetriebsBerater, NWB, EWiR, GRÜNDERSZENE.

Additional Background

Boris studied law at the Universities of Goettingen and Wolverhampton, England. After his first state law examination, he worked as a freelance corporate and capital market law specialist for law firms with an international focus. He completed his doctorate studies on German and American corporate and capital market law at the Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf and the University of Berkeley in California. Boris did his legal clerkship in Hamburg and at the German-Indian Chamber of Foreign Trade in Bangalore, India. He worked as a corporate lawyer at White & Case in Hamburg and Hölters & Elsing in Berlin before establishing the firm of ROSE & PARTNERS as a founding partner.

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