Welcome to
Hamburg, Berlin, Munich,
Frankfurt, Cologne, Milan
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Boris Jan Schiemzik leitet bei ROSE & PARTNER  den Bereich Handelsrecht und Gesellschaftsrecht. Als Fachanwalt auf diesen Rechtsgebieten vertritt er Unternehmen aller Rechtsformen bei Auseinandersetzungen vor Gerichten und Schiedsgerichten.
Dr. Boris Jan Schiemzik Attorney Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Rechtsanwalt Dott. Francesco Senatore ist in der Anwaltskanzlei ROSE & PARTNER für den Bereich Italien in unseren Büros in Hamburg, Berlin und Mailand verantwortlich und leitet seit 2006 das internationale Dezernat der deutsch-italienischen Kanzlei.
Dott. Francesco Senatore Attorney admitted to practice law
in Germany and Italy
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Bernd Fleischer - Dr. Fleischer ist als Partner und  Fachanwalt für den Bereich des gewerblichen Rechtsschutzes verantwortlich. Er berät und vertritt Mandanten insbesondere im Markenrecht, Urheberrecht, Wettbewerbsrecht und Kartellrecht.
Dr. Bernd Fleischer Attorney Certified Specialist for
Intellectual Property Law
Rechtsanwalt Dr. Ronny Jänig leitet die Berliner Kanzleiniederlassung von ROSE & PARTNER Zusammen mit Dr. Boris Jan Schiemzik steht er dem Bereich Gesellschaftsrecht & Handelsrecht vor. Eine seiner Spezialkompetenzen liegt im Aktienrecht.
Dr. Ronny Jänig, LL.M. Attorney Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Meltem Kolper-Deveci Attorney Certified Specialist for
Family Law
Katrin Hoffmann Attorney, Tax consultant
Dr. Marius G. Hossbach Attorney Certified Specialist for
Medicine Law
Carmen Mielke-Vinke Attorney Certified Specialist for
Inheritance Law
Graduate in finance Certified Executor
Rechtsanwältin Dirk Mahler berät und vertritt Unternehmen, Unternehmer und vermögende Privatpersonen in jeder Phase der wirtschaftlichen Tätigkeit im steuerlichen und steuerrechtlichen Bereich. Am Standort Berlin leitet er das Dezernat Steuerberatung und Steuerrecht.
Dirk Mahler Attorney, Tax consultant Certified tax law specialist
Dr. Michael Demuth, LL.M. Attorney Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Christian Mattlage, LL.M. Attorney Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Jascha Alleyne Attorney Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Fachanwalt für Urheber-
und Medienrecht
Helge Schubert, LL.M. Attorney, Tax consultant Certified tax law specialist
Thomas Repka Attorney Certified Specialist for
IT Law
Christian Neef Attorney Fachanwalt für Urheber-
und Medienrecht
Sigrun Mast Attorney
Dorothee von Detten Attorney Mediator
Dr. Jens Nyenhuis, LL.M. Attorney Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Kolja Schlecht, LL.M. Attorney Certified Inheritance
Law and Tax Law Specialist
Rechtsanwalt Christian Westermann berät und vertritt als Fachanwalt für Handels- und Gesellschaftsrecht  überwiegend Unternehmen sowie Gesellschafter, Geschäftsführer und auch Handelsvertreter und sonstige Vertriebsmittler.
Christian Westermann Attorney Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Dr. Jörg Kaufmann Attorney
Robert Lackmann Tax consultant

Mark Laupichler Attorney Certified Specialist for
Intellectual Property Law
Dr. Jan-Eike Andresen Attorney
Christian Tobias Weiß Attorney Certified Specialist for
Family Law
Martin Kahllund Attorney Certified tax law specialist
Jeannette Deutschmann Attorney Certified Specialist for
Family Law
Franziska Ceglarek, LL.M. (Köln/Paris I) Attorney Maître en droit
Gabriele Heinichen Attorney Certified Specialist for
Inheritance Law
Maria Anwari, LL.M. Attorney Master of Laws
Britta Niakan, LL.M. Attorney
Dr. Annemarie Westpfahl – 
Dr. Annemarie Westpfahl Attorney Certified Specialist for
Intellectual Property Law
Christian Normann – 
Christian Normann Attorney Certified tax law specialist Certified Specialist for
Business and Corporate Law
Caroline von Götz Attorney
Nadine Hitschke Attorney
Christof D. Beisel Attorney, Tax consultant Certified tax law specialist
Sonja M. Dähnhardt Attorney
Peter Prein Attorney, Tax consultant Public Prosecutor (off-duty)
Martin Stürmer Tax consultant Business school graduate
Gesa Modersohn Attorney
Rechtsanwalt Bernfried Rose in Hamburg - Schwerpunkt der Tätigkeit liegt in der Beratung zur Gestaltung der privaten und betrieblichen Nachfolge. Bei ROSE & PARTNER ist er gemeinsam mit Rechtsanwältin Kristin Winkler verantwortlich für die Bereiche Erbrecht, Vorsorgerecht, Unternehmensnachfolge und Stiftungen.
Bernfried Rose, LL.M. Attorney Mediator

Law Firm Germany - Berlin, Hamburg, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne

English-speaking German Attorneys and Lawyers for Corporate, M&A, Commercial, Finance, Real Estate, IP/IT, Inheritance, Family and Tax Law

Established in 2006, ROSE & PARTNER is a business law firm with offices in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich, Frankfurt, Cologne and Milan. We advise and represent domestic and foreign private and public companies, private-equity firms, start-ups and high net worth individuals on both legal and tax matters.

Our approach is to provide comprehensive interdisciplinary support to our clients through a team of legal and tax experts.

Our attorneys from our 5 offices across Germany work together as teams with each office having distinctive focus areas

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One of our core practices is corporate law, including M&A, corporate and post-M&A litigation. A team of specialized corporate lawyers and tax advisors advises clients in small and mid-cap deals as well as in complex disputes. All of our corporate lawyers have gained valuable experience at large international law firms.

Our legal practice further focuses on real estate, finance and capital markets, anti-trust and distribution, employment, IT, data protection, and intellectual property law.

Our business law services are complemented by our private client services. Our specialists for inheritance and family law advise and represent heirs and spouses and safeguard their financial interests. This includes in particular advice on estate planning and prenuptial agreements.

All of our tax advisors are dually qualified as attorneys and certified tax advisors and are available to advise on all tax matters which may arise in our practice areas. In addition, they provide tax consulting services ranging from ongoing accounting, to tax declarations, annual financial statements, transaction related tax advise and tax structuring as well as representation in fiscal penal law matters.

Our expertise has been recognized; our lawyers publish regularly, lecture at universities and are sought after as interview partners.

English-speaking attorneys in Germany for international clients

Our English-speaking attorneys, many of whom have studied and/or worked abroad, render nationwide service from our offices in Hamburg, Berlin, Munich and Frankfurt. We represent and advise clients domestically and abroad as well as on selected areas of foreign law.

We are aware of the particular needs and demands of foreign clients and offer personal and clear advice.

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